Power Interest Grid

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This tool follows the Stakeholder Mapping exercise, or can supplement it. It involves plotting the identified stakeholders on a grid with one axis indicating their perceived power or influence over the success of the project, and another their innate, or existing interest in the research activity.

At its simplest, the grid can then be divided into a 3×3 grid. High, Medium and Low Power and High, Medium and Low Interest. Each of these groupings can have their own engagement or impact strategy as appropriate, helping to produce a more targetted approach to achieving Impact with these different stakeholders.

For example:

High power / high interest: These are the key stakeholders who require constant, active communication and management.

High power / medium interest: These are the stakeholders we need to keep satisfied, so that they will not intervene, unless a situation arises where that is beneficial. Careful management of stakeholders with this level of power is needed, so that any of their interventions serve to support the work rather than add further complication.

High power / low interest: These stakeholders may be far removed from the area of study, or may be too senior for it to have reached their notice. However, within organisations there are often incidents that bring seemingly minor issues to the attention of more senior stakeholders.

Medium power / low to high interest: The interest levels of the stakeholders in this group are likely to fluctuate, it may be that it is worth managing their level of interest such that they provide support when required.

Low power / low interest: These are the stakeholders who do not have a direct interest or involvement in the business situation, so little effort needs to be spent on managing them.

Low power / medium to high interest: These stakeholders are those who will conduct much of the impact activity. They need to be kept informed, and, if possible, kept on side.