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Visual notes

Visual notes are a useful way of capturing key messages in visual form. Note taking occurs in real time, at a conference, meeting or presentation and the image(s) produced are the artist’s interpretation of what is shared. The visual note consists of reactive pieces for key concepts shared that when viewed together give a feel for the overall […]

SCRI Icons


Films can be used to present information and share messages in a visually engaging and accessible way. They can be used to share information and engage people early in your research process or to share findings and disseminate the implications at the end. Depending on your resources, strategy and intended audience you may wish to […]

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Infographics are an engaging way of making data accessible and easy to share. Used to present numbers and words visually, they can be particularly useful at making numbers impactful and complementing text heavy reports. An infographic artist or designer will distil key take-away points and convey them in a visually appealing way. Find someone who can produce […]

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Critical summaries

Critical summaries can be a helpful way for your research to be evaluated for it’s potential impact. They provide a critique of the what, why and how of your research, often together with some thoughts on its applicability or use in practice. You are unlikely to be removed enough from your work to write a […]

SCRI Icons


Comics can be an excellent way of visually presenting key research information, findings or discussion points. You need to be specific about the information you wish to share and what audience you intend to target. The exact process that you go through will depend on your illustrator or cartoonists methods. You can reasonably expect to: Break […]

SCRI Icons

Meet the Researcher

As researchers, with expertise in specialist areas, we can sometimes underestimate our own value and worth to the world at large! Traditional academic impact work has focused on sharing learning with academic peers, this method aims to reduce the barriers of connectivity to experts, for the general public or wider stakeholders. A meeting could take […]

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Online Discussion

There are many elements of the research and impact process that can benefit from an online discussion e.g. collecting ideas or input, sharing progress, planning dissemination activity, sharing findings. Pretty much any point that could be helped by a discussion, could benefit from an online discussion. The added advantage of holding that discussion or conversation […]

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Photo Exhibition

Holding a photo exhibition may prove to be a useful tool for impact, especially if you have involved research participants in taking photographs. It can also be useful if your research involves people sharing images, or if you make a visual record throughout your project. There are a number of considerations to preparing an exhibition, […]

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Twitter is a micro blogging social network that limits updates to no more than 140 characters. Like any social network the benefits only become clear after investment of time and effort in building your network and contacts (see Network Building), however it can be a great way to reach new audiences, or specialists in your […]

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While they can be stand alone events in their own right, workshops are often used alongside Conferences or Unconferences. The key to a good workshop is that they utilise a group of interested people in the room, to do the work. Identify a theme or topic that you wish to focus on e.g. it could […]