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Twitter is a micro blogging social network that limits updates to no more than 140 characters. Like any social network the benefits only become clear after investment of time and effort in building your network and contacts (see Network Building), however it can be a great way to reach new audiences, or specialists in your areas of interest globally.

You could establish a twitter account for use by your project or study, or perhaps more beneficially establish a personal account and build your personal digital footprint.

  • Open a Twitter account, it’s free, although you may see some promoted tweets in your stream. Set up an account, search by keywords of interest to you and follow people (you do not need to know them in real life)
  • Establish your account (or start talking about your project on your existing account) as early in the research process as possible, build momentum and interest
  • You need to check in with your network regularly, consider it like an online community, build conversations, reply to people, ask questions, be social
  • Use hashtags # to find conversations and groups of interest (see Online Discussion)

If you find 140 characters is too short for you, establish a blog and share a link to your blog posts on Twitter (see Blogging)